Category Archives: Blog

Solar Electricity in Massachusetts: How Much Can You Save?

Solar Electricity in Massachusetts: How Much Can You Save?

Thanks to all of the advances that have been made with solar electricity in Massachusetts, businesses all throughout the state can now take advantage of deals available through solar financing companies. Depending on the type of project that you agree to, you might not see any actual savings until months and months down the line.… Continue Reading

Exploring the Benefits of a Municipal PPA in Massachusetts

Exploring the Benefits of a Municipal PPA in Massachusetts

Many commercial businesses and municipalities are taking advantage of the benefits associated with signing a solar power purchase agreement or PPA. In the most basic of terms, a PPA is a financial agreement between an organization and a developer, which allows for the design, installation, maintenance and operation of a solar energy system. The system… Continue Reading

Commercial PPAs: Should Your New Bedford Business Go Solar?

Commercial PPAs: Should Your New Bedford Business Go Solar?

It might seem strange that so many commercial businesses are dragging their feet at the idea of going solar to increase their energy savings. But the truth of the matter is that there are a lot of concerns with regard do the sheer cost of commercial solar financing due to the upfront costs, maintenance and… Continue Reading

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